GlitterSign runs on 10K+ displays round the clock!
Platform Features
Our GlitterSign solutions helps to earn more attraction and attention of your customers. Its full fledged and one stop solution for all your digital signage needs.
Platform Specification
A Complete Digial Signage solution with Media Player Software runs on Android TVs and Flexible CMS with Display Configuration, Control and Monitor from Remote.
Smart Slideshow management with any combination of signage like Text, Video, Text, Web, YouTube, HTML, RSS Feed. Also it has feature to add animation like fade in / out between each slides with different duration.
Full Featured Image Signage Display, supports almost all image formats like JPEG, PNG, Bitmap. It also does the auto scaling with respect to signage display. Capable to showcase multiple image signage on a single display.
Full Featured Video Signage Display, supports almost all video formats like AVI, MP4, MPEG. It also does the auto scaling with respect to signage display. Capable to showcase multiple image signage on a single display.
Full Featured Text Signage Display, supports almost all font formats, types and sizes. Featured with Text scroll animation capability with configurable scroll speed and direction. Displays text smartly with transparent background.
Full Featured Web Media Signage Display, supports live web pages, embedded html content, youtube video links, RSS Feeds and etc.Web Media Signage featured with touch, enables the user interaction with signage display in real time.